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Born in Salerno, lives and works in Rome, Italy. His relationship with photography begins very early and has an outset in common with many: a camera and a passion received as a gift from a dear family member. But above all, it’s his friendship with the photographer Costantino Cianciulli – keeper of the largest photographic archive about the Picentini Mountains community – that brought him closer to the alchemical secrets of the darkroom and the fascination of photographic language as medium of witness and handing down of the collective memory.

Thanks to the in-depth study of past authors and an innate curiosity towards every aspect of human condition, he has gained, over time, a particular dedication to the documentary genre that has led him to deal with medium-long term projects, mainly on social issues.

Inspired by multiple visual and cultural stimuli and by the evolution of contemporary photography, he is open to experimenting with new languages, even if he prefers black and white as a stylistic imprint for its intrinsic ability to abstract, decontextualize and transform a contingent fact into a universal idea through conceptual synthesis.

His work has received several awards, has been published in various newspapers and exhibited in solo and group exhibitions, in Italy and abroad.


National Geographic
Fotografia Reflex
Corriere del Mezzogiorno
La Città
Demetria Verduci e Duccio Trassinelli, Scattidivini. Il vino per immagini, Le Lettere, 2006
Partire. Antologia illustrata per eterni viaggiatori, CTS Centro Turistico Studentesco e Giovanile, Roma, 2013
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, The Guru Drinks Bourbon?, Shambhala Pubns, 2016

Awards & Exhibitions

Darkroom Project #7, Castello di Santa Severa, Italy: collective exhibition.
Trofeo Città di Follonica: 3° prize winner in Street category.
Darkroom Project #8, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, S. Martino al Cimino, Italy: collective exhibition.

Street Photo Milano: Italia Photo Series 1° prize winner.
Miami Street Photography Festival 2019: exhibition.
Orvieto Fotografia – 16° Festival internazionale della Fotografia, Video e Comunicazione Visiva: collective exhibition.
FIIPA Awards 2019: honorable mention in Story Category.
Kolga Tblisi Photo Award 2019: shortlisted.
Arles Voies Off 2019 – TAG – Arles | Phot. Contemporaine Italienne et Bien Plus Encore: collective exhibition.
Ariano International Film Festival 2019 – Photo Contest: shortlisted.

Tokyo International Foto Award: silver winner in Editorial-Political professional category.
Premio Voglino: shortlisted.

Moscow International Foto Award: honorable mention in People-Lifestyle professional category.

Oltre le mura di Roma, Museo MACRO Testaccio, Italy: collective exhibition.
Fotografia – Festival Internazionale di Roma: special mention in the open call “Roma, il Mondo”.
B+W Photographer of the year 2015: shortlisted.
International Photo Award – Family Of Man: honorable mention in “Youth” professional category.
International Photo Award: honorable mention in “Lifestyle” professional category.

2NC-Fest multipli cities, Ex Cartiera, Rome: collective exhibition.

Kuala Lumpur International Photo Award: shortlisted.
Darkroom Project Exhibition #3, Muro Leccese, Italy: collective exhibition.
Leica Photographers Award: shortlisted.

Viaggio nell’universo di Tiziano Terzani Photo Award, Castelnuovo Rangone, Italy: 1° prize winner.
Capri Jazz Bar, Italy: personal exhibition.
Darkroom Project Exhibition #2, Muro Leccese, Italy: collective exhibition.
Lavoro, io come lo vedo, Museo MACRO Testaccio, Rome, Italy: collective exhibition.

La tua madre terra, Museo MACRO Testaccio, Rome, Italy: collective exhibition.